Gründung durch Auslaender Aufentshaltserlaubnis Aufenthaltstitel
German Language

Sustainable business concept as the basis for the residence permit for the self-employed activities by foreigners, especially from non-EU countries (third countries) according to § 21 AufenthaltsG


Do you come from a country that is not a member of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) and want to start a business in Germany? And you are not a Swiss citizen either? Then you need a special residence permit to exercise self-employed activities which allows you to work independently in Germany.

你是来自不是欧盟(EU)还是欧洲经济区(EEA)成员的国家,想在德国开始业务? 你也不是瑞士公民吗? 那么你需要一个特殊的居留许可来锻炼自营职业活动,让你在德国独立工作。

For a number of years have we been successfully supporting business start-ups to obtain a residence permit creating business plans that meet the requirements of the authorities and chambers, which at the same time offer you security when starting into your self-employed activities.


This includes statements on the following points


  • Entrepreneurial concept strategy (business plan), positioning, market, competition
  • 创业概念策略(商业计划),定位,市场,竞争
  • Financing situation
  • 融资情况
  • Capital requirements planning
  • 资本需求计划
  • Earnings forecast
  • 收益预测
  • Legal form, organization
  • 法律形式,组织
Watch the video with the main points to the business plan here:

Click the play-button to start the video.

This also applies to FREELANCERS, i.e. artists, doctors, architects, translators etc..

这也适用 于自由职业者, 即艺术家,医生,建筑师,翻译人员等。

On request, we can also provide you with a business address for your company.


In ten steps to the residence title: click here


For further information please fill in the form below.

* erforderlicher Eintrag
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Your contact person (German / English):

Contact us by phone – +49 171 – 38 55 451 – or via mail:

通过电话与我们联系 – +49 171 – 38 55 451 – 或通过邮件

– No legal / tax advice –
